Hallo wanneer opent de collectieve bank, ik wil geld lenen voor project
![]() Forums Collective MankindWelcome to the Forum page of Collective Mankind. Here we will discuss topics based on people's needs and wishes.
Keep it clean, keep it chill, and we will make it.
Masters of Money
(3 users browsing)
In these forums we will discuss the creation of collectively controlled banks.
Sub Forums: Masters of Money English, Meesters van Geld Nederlands |
1,073 | 1,129 |
01-24-2024, 04:01:17 by williamxz |
Profitable Living
(4 users browsing)
In these forums we will discuss how we will create homes so that people now and in the future will never be homeless again.
Sub Forums: Profitable Living English, Winst in Wonen Nederlands |
1,054 | 1,119 |
01-26-2024, 04:01:22 by williamxz |
Ensuring Insurance
(2 users browsing)
In these forums we will discuss how we can get people a decent insurance so that they will be covered for life.
Sub Forums: Ensuring Insurance English, Verzekerd Verzekerd Nederlands |
1,102 | 1,196 |
Wat vind u van verzekeraa...
03-27-2024, 13:03:07 by houseofeleganceindia |
Work that Works
(3 users browsing)
In these forums we will discuss how we can help people get a job suitable to their skills with decent payment.
Sub Forums: Work that Works English, Werk dat Werkt Nederlands |
1,055 | 1,094 |
01-24-2024, 04:01:26 by williamxz |
School Reschooled
(4 users browsing)
In these forums we will discuss how we can guide the next generations into a ever changing future.
Sub Forums: School Reschooled English, Schooling Herschoold Nederlands |
1,055 | 1,708 |
01-24-2024, 04:01:34 by williamxz |
Mainstream's Media
(1 user browsing)
I these forums we will discuss the creation of a Media Network group
Sub Forums: Mainstream's Media English, De Massa Media's Media Nederlands |
1,048 | 1,087 |
ChatGPT 無料版の音声認識技術の活用
06-18-2024, 06:06:50 by EuniceEunice |
Polished Politics
(4 users browsing)
In these forums we will discuss how we will change the politics we know today into a form in which all people will have a meaningful vote.
Sub Forums: Polished Politics English, Gepolijste Politiek Nederlands |
1,051 | 1,125 |
Rating the Final Trades i...
03-27-2024, 13:03:13 by houseofeleganceindia |
Power the People
(1 user browsing)
In these forums we will discuss how we can power your community with clean energy of the highest standard using the newest technology forever.
Sub Forums: Power the People English, Kracht voor het Volk Nederlands |
1,039 | 1,694 |
10-26-2023, 02:10:59 by buydumpsatm |
Drive the Future
(4 users browsing)
In these forums we will discuss how we will design and create new brands of cars that will use green energy.
Sub Forums: Drive the Future English, Rij de toekomst Nederlands |
1,039 | 1,095 |
01-24-2024, 04:01:16 by williamxz |
Wonderful Water In these forums we will discuss how we can bring water of the purest quality to everyone on the planet.
Sub Forums: Wonderful Water English, Wonderlijk Water Nederlands |
1,027 | 1,077 |
01-24-2024, 04:01:16 by williamxz |
Pure Produce
(6 users browsing)
In these forums we will discuss how we can produce highest quality produce by using the latest technological alternatives.
Sub Forums: Pure Produce English, Pure Producten Nederlands |
1,049 | 1,098 |
SELL DUMPS CHIP 201 101 C...
10-26-2023, 02:10:28 by buydumpsatm |
Collective Talent
(4 users browsing)
In these forums we will discuss the placement of collective studios where people can show their talent in a setting best fit for them.
Sub Forums: Collective Talent English, Collectief Talent Nederlands |
1,025 | 1,064 |
10-24-2023, 06:10:01 by buydumpsatm |
Festival Cities Worldwide
(5 users browsing)
In these forums we will discuss the possibility of creating a never ending festival in which all people can party in harmony whenever they wish.
Sub Forums: Festival Cities Europe, Festival Cities United States of America, and 5 more. |
1,072 | 1,392 |
Would you want to live cl...
03-27-2024, 13:03:10 by houseofeleganceindia |
Party Locally Globally
(7 users browsing)
You want a party in name of peace ? Together, we can find a way to make it as great as possible
Sub Forums: Party Locally Globally United States of America, Feestje Lokaal Globaal Nederland |
1,179 | 1,278 |
geogiga seismic pro 9.3
04-25-2024, 18:04:22 by Tutorials72 |
How can i Help
(8 users browsing)
These forums will be for all people who want to help make Collective Mankind the solution we deserve.
Sub Forums: How can i Help in English, Hoe kan ik Helpen in Nederlands |
1,246 | 1,419 |
Порог фрустрации - виды
03-07-2024, 18:03:24 by zanahanswiftz1834 |
![]() ImportantRules and other essential information.
(161 users browsing)
Frequently asked questions
Sub Forums: Policies |
379,961 Topics 651,396 Replies |
GENOCIDE of AIPAC and The...
11 minutes ago by NormandJep |
Policies | 22 Topics 36 Replies |
10-24-2023, 06:10:14 by buydumpsatm |
![]() Board Statistics
Who's Online [Complete List] |
228 users active in the past 15 minutes (1 member, 0 of whom are invisible, and 225 guests). Bing, Google, NormandJep |
Today's Birthdays |
oqiruyetes (39), Anthonysok (39), EcologySpb (43), LouisRor (50) |
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